Gaza History Lesson

Gaza: including how Israel made war for Lebensraum in 1967 and then thumbed its nose at unanimous UNSC resolution #242 to withdraw. China & Russia each hosting Palestinians. US students defend 1st amendment; some little-known history on how it came to be.


Russia Remembers

SOLEMN REMEMBRANCE as Moscow marks May 5, 1945 Victory in Europe. 27 million Soviets killed, as Russia bore brunt of Nazi attack (compared with less than half-million US troops). ForMin Sergey Lavrov has warned two oceans will not protect the US this time.


How Things Have Changed Since the Elbe

As US & Russia near open war in Ukraine, recall that on Apr. 25, 1945 US & Soviet allied troops finally met on the Elbe River just before final WWII victory. Happy VE Day! SPIRIT OF THE ELBE, AND OF STUDEBAKER. How did Allies become Enemies? (6 min video).

Biden and Burns Need an Update

July 2023 – Biden: “Putin has lost in Ukraine”; CIA’s Burns: “Putin’s strategic failure, military weakness laid bare.” It somehow seemed time for an update last Saturday. No-fly Zone in the Black Sea? Putting a “beneficial fear” in enemy minds and hearts.


Courageous, Effective Demonstrations

AP Photo (Jose Luis Magana)


COURAGEOUS DEMOS MAKE BIDEN LISTEN! Beat up enough students and professors and you get this: “US has suspended shipment of weapons to Israel,” Lloyd Austin, just told the Senate. “We are currently examining the short-term security support in the context of the events in Rafah.”

Unrepentant Michael Isikoff


Unrepentant Michael Isikoff, co-author of Russian Roulette fairytale, is still claiming RUSSIA HACKED THE DNC ( ) 8 and a half yrs after sworn testimony disproving that charge ( ) and, oddly, on the 6th anniversary of the release of that testimony.

Tactical Nukes

TACTICAL NUKES: In rare move Moscow announces preparation for air and naval exercise of tactical missile formations” to ensure “combat readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces”. Specifically, reaction to “threats of Western officials” like Macron, Cameron